
Toronto, Canada


Toronto, Canada


I didn't end the program with a spectacular week but that's what makes this program so great. It's not about one week or 12 weeks, it's about developing a sustainable lifestyle that I can continue to work on, as long as I'm improving over time that's what counts.


Like I said before, I'm happy losing 1-2 lbs a week without giving up what I enjoy.


The program was great for a guy who didn't even know what calorie or macro was, all I knew is that beer gives you a beer belly, I'm glad that you showed me I was wrong hahah.


I loved your easy going constant communication which really helped staying engaged.  I liked how you seemed to know when to engage in a conversation about something and when not to, at least that's how it felt with me.


The couples approach was great.  My wife, Sue, and I were doing the same program but in different groups but it worked better!


Thank you Gil for showing me a way to lose weight without giving up my lifestyle or beer.
