Why You Will Fail With Exercise

Why You Will Fail With Exercise

For weight loss, we already know you can't out exercise reckless eating.
Most people still over emphasize exercise over nutrition and rest. In my weight loss programs I have prioritized
Nutrition > Rest > Exercise
Before the exercise purists try to bag me I am simply talking about losing weight. And yes For overall health Optimizing the 3 will bring the best results.
But for my weight loss programs exercise (while encouraged) is not mandatory to lose weight. As long as you consume less calories than you burn you will lose weight. Simple! And I have people who are doing this and it's completely fine!
Now for those who do WANT to exercise I always say whatever you choose to do, it should be goal oriented.
Don't run 5km mindlessly everyday or lift weights everyday without purpose.
For instance my goal is simply to get stronger. I only need to lift 3 times a week at an hour a session. I track my lifts so I can progressively get stronger. Without tracking how do I know I am improving? I don't do any cardio as it's detrimental to my recovery. I simply walk. I also hate running so why would I do something I hate.
If your goal is also to get stronger and you are doing 15 quick reps at a blistering pace you are wasting you time. You are not challenging yourself nor getting stronger.
If you want to improve your running time but you are running at the same pace all the time you are wasting your time and not getting any faster.
Set goals, track them, smash them and set new ones. Keep improving!
Lastly it's important to find something you actually LIKE! No way! Exercise can be fun?
Workouts don't have to be hell. If they suck and you dislike them you will eventually stall, cheat and ultimately quit!
Here are signs where your workout will eventually fail you:
If you wake up DREADING to go do your workout (resentment).
If you FEEL you have to do it because if you don't something BAD will happen (guilt).
If it's a holiday and you SKIP your workout (lame excuse).
If the weather is BAD outside and you SKIP your workout (worst excuse).
I enjoy lifting as much as I enjoy beer. I don't feel I have to do it. I choose to do it. My goals are to get stronger and retain it. It doesn't matter if it's a holiday or if it's snowing. If that day falls on a lift day I will make it fit just like I fit my beer into my diet.
Discipline and motivation only go so far. Why punish yourself? Life's too short to be a slave to anything you don't enjoy be it your workout, diet, job, mortgage, relationship you name it.
Can you see yourself enjoying what you are currently doing tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, in 5 years. If the answer is NO you are fooling yourself and wasting your time.
We are all different. Find what you like, make it progressive, make it fun, make it repeatable, make it a lifestyle.