How to Eat Out on a Weight Loss Plan

How to Eat Out on a Weight Loss Plan

If your goal is weight loss eating out should probably be kept at a minimum. It’s just too hard to predict what goes in your food as you have no control. One restaurant meal can easily be 3-4 times what your daily limit should be.  Remember the chef's goals are to satisfy your taste buds, not your six pack or slim waist.


But have no fear, here are some tips that can help you stay on track of your goals if you plan to eat out.


1️⃣ Make a plan and look at the menu ahead of time. Many restaurants have nutrition and calorie info available. You still need to exercise caution as those are ballpark numbers. If not sure err on the side of caution and overestimate the amount of calories you will be eating. If nutrition info is not available see the following steps.


2️⃣ Choose grilled or baked items that are high in protein as they will keep you full and satisfied. Avoid fried items and watch out for oils as these can add 500+ calories to your meal.


3️⃣ Limit or avoid dressings, creams and sauces especially on “healthy” salads. If needed ask for them on the side. Sauces and dressings can easily add 300-500 calories to your meal.


4️⃣ Be mindful of alcohol. A glass of wine or pint of beer can be 150-200 calories. A fancy cocktail can be 500+ calories. These can rack up fast.


5️⃣ Skip the bread, appetizers and dessert. They will not fill you up long term and worst of all could easily match the. calories of your entrée at 1000-2000 calories.


So before going out, have an idea on what you will order and stick to it. Even though you may splurge a bit you will most likely make informed decisions because you planned ahead.


And even if you go off track know that one “bad” meal won’t undo anything if you are consistent with your regular plan most of the time. Enjoy and bounce back when you can.


We are all about flexible dieting on Mighty Transformation. We can teach you to do this too.

