How Do I Get a 6 Pack?

How Do I Get a 6 Pack?

I must get asked this every single day so here's Gil's guide to getting a 6 pack.


The absolute fastest most reliable way to get a 6 pack is to go to the beer store.


Yes you can have a 6 pack while drinking a 6 pack


Next is to have good lighting and a filter package.


Ok you wanna do this legit?


Disclaimer: I am simply talking about aesthetics. Strengthening your core is a separate topic. If you want to hold the world record in planks and sit-ups this post is not for you. 

If you want to reveal your 6 pack then it's all about understanding your body and how much energy aka calories you can eat in a day. If you cannot see your 6 pack that means you have a layer of fat and you need to put yourself in a caloric/energy deficit to lose that fat. This advice also applies to the ladies if you simply want to "slim" your waist.


To do this you need to find what your maintenance calories are: the amount of calories you can eat in a day and stay the same weight. Then you need to eat LESS than your maintenance calories over a PROLONGED period of time to "burn" that fat. It's definitely not the fastest way, but this is absolutely the simplest and most predictable way.


No amount of exercise and sit-ups will do this for you if you eat more than your body needs.

No special diet or clean eating will do this for you if you eat more than your body needs.  

No amount of fat burners or supplements will do this for you if you eat more than your body needs.

No gimmicky waist trainers or compression clothing will do this for you if you eat more than your body needs.




Everyone is looking for the next best diet, exercise program, miracle supplements to lose fat fast. The only thing you will lose is your motivation and money.

The simplest concepts aren't the sexiest because they take time and patience, but they are the most sustainable. Good luck with extreme boring diets and long cardio sessions daily. That may work in the short term but you will never sustain it unless it's part of your job like a high level athlete.


Understand your body, pay attention to how much you consume and you can still enjoy beers, burgers, steaks, fries, chocolate, ice cream as I do and have a 6 pack all year round. No need for clean eating, fat burners, bullshit detoxes or wearing uncomfortable waist trainers.


And as I always say, even if you don't have a visible 6 pack that doesn't mean you are unhealthy.  A visible 6 pack is not the absolute definition of healthy and being in shape.  It's simply aesthetics and having a low body fat percentage.  That's it.  A crackhead can have a visible 6 pack too.  Many times I see people striving for a visible 6 pack and they are miserable, struggling and sacrificing everything just to see them.   That my friends is unhealthy for your body, mind and most likely your friendships and relationships.  Worst of all even if they finally get it they will never maintain it I can guarantee that!




In a future post I will talk about how I spend LESS time working out in a week than most people spend on Facebook in a day. So there are easier ways to achieve things, but it does take time to figure out a formula that works specifically for YOU.