Alex and Ali

Vaughan, Canada

Alex and Ali

Vaughan, Canada

Alex and Ali

Adam and Ali lost 90lbs collectively on the Mighty Transformation Program.


Our WHY remains the same, if not stronger. A heathy family is number one. Especially for our son, as he grows we want to be there for him and also be a good role model both on the inside and out.

Staying the same is not an option as our old way of doing things would have led to long term health issues. Plus we didn't like the way we felt or looked.
Now our clothes fit better and we have less joint pain. Our confidence is high. People are noticing the changes and feeling our energy!
Thanks so much Gil. Your coaching and your attentiveness to any questions we had during the program were greatly appreciated. To know that we can still lose weight just by being accountable and still enjoy our favourite foods is awesome. Most importantly, you've given us the energy to keep up with our soon to be walking/running little boy.