
Toronto, Canada


Toronto, Canada


Coming to work and live in Canada made me realize that people here live a different lifestyle than the one I was accustomed to in Peru. I had put on hold my physical activities for the last 10 years since I had been focusing into obtaining all my accreditations to work as an engineer.


Last year, finally decided to get back to my old self and started being more active…I thought it was better to get back in shape prior to hitting my 40th birthday.  I was intrigued and inspired by other people’s transformations and started talking to Gil. At that time, I had reached a weight of 185 lbs and I wasn’t feeling like myself anymore. I was eating “healthy”, had tried different diets, hit the gym many times, had some personal trainers but I didn’t see any tangible change. I was almost used to being disappointed at putting so much effort and seeing no results.


Meeting Gil and realizing that changes are easy to obtain with such a minimum of discipline was an eye opener. I realized that I can still eat and drink what that I want and that I just need to go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week for less than an hour was almost unbelievable. I was still skeptical when I started following his program but to my surprise, I started to see results. First I thought that my scale was wrong somehow when I hit 155 lbs in only 3 months!


The most amazing part is that it is entirely sustainable. Five months have passed since I finished my Mighty Transformation, and I am maintaining my weight and focusing now in my new goal - building muscle – More updates to come when I achieve my new goal!