
Acton, Canada


Acton, Canada


This program has been so life changing. For the past 2.5 years my weight would not budge even a pound no matter what I tried.

As a working mom with a 5 month old and a 2 year old, I felt so stuck, frustrated and lost in my own body.


I've tried all the diets - keto, counting calories, etc. Nothing worked. I was hopeless.

Now I literally eat chocolate every single day on this program and lost weight effortlessly.

I used to restrict all week, then binge on Friday or Saturday - and then eventually fall off my diet altogether because I felt deprived. I don't feel restricted at all anymore and just stay consistent. This makes me feel so much better when I have an off day, because I know it's such a small blip in an otherwise steady journey.

The accountability of this program was a huge part of my success in it. Gil will keep you honest and my relationship with food shifted from shame and guilt to comfortable and happy.

There's actually no need to feel bad about food, you just need to know how to manage and balance it. Gil teaches you tools to make it work for your lifestyle and preferences.
The biggest change for me was mindset. Gil was able to really help me eliminate those feelings of guilt, shame and struggle around food.

I'm so grateful for this program and would recommend it 100x over. I've tried everything in the past and nothing worked until Mighty Transformation. I wish I had found this sooner! Thank you Gil so so so much!!! You are amazing at what you do!