
Milton, Canada


Milton, Canada



Gil thank you. Thank you for bringing joy back into my life.


A lot of people know me as the girl who is always happy and smiling from ear to ear. Always wanting to help others. But in recent years as my weight kept slowly creeping up, I started to not want to see people because I wanted to hide. I hid behind big baggy clothes and while I love taking pictures of moments or places we go with the kids, I stayed behind the camera. While I have always wanted to be there for everyone else, I lost focus on me and I wasn’t helping myself. And I wasn’t there for myself.


This might sound odd but I was “thankful” (I use this term loosely) that the pandemic encouraged us to stay home because then I didn’t have to go out and hang out with others when I was struggling. And if I did see people, I still smiled but it was not genuine as I had lost my confidence.


I have been following you on social media since Oliver did the program with you. And then when I saw Michelle was doing your program, I was able to talk to her about it. I am always willing to invest in myself but other weight loss programs have failed me. Even though I didn’t sign up right away after talking to Michelle, I still was hesitant. The cost was not a factor. I was more afraid to go on this journey with people I didn’t know. I knew that one of the requirements was posting pictures each week and that’s what held me back.


I’m the type of person who likes to do things like going to yoga, the gym or go for walks with friends. This program was perfect for me to step out of my comfort zone. And I realized that I cannot wait on others for things to happen. And I had to rely on me to make the changes that I want to happen. Once I posted my first picture, there was no looking back and I was all in.


Today, I am grateful for the community you built in our group. Like you say, it’s your environment that will either set us up to fail or succeed. You bring together a bunch of strangers who all want to make a change and are all probably experiencing similar feelings. The culture created in our group stems from the top and that’s you. You are one of our biggest cheerleaders and encourage a safe space for us to share. We cheered each other on and it didn’t take long for these strangers to build a relationship and become friends.


What I truly love about you and MT is that you guide with no judgement at all.


I also love that you have one rule... SHOW UP EVERYDAY. And that’s what the eff I did!!
I was allowed to eat whatever I wanted. There was no menu to follow and we got to choose what we ate. I once did a weight loss program and there was restrictions. If I didn’t follow it to a T, I felt judged and I was wrong for not following the rules. The naturopath even said to me, you should be cooking your own “clean and healthy” meals and shouldn’t be eating the food Jason prepares. Sure I get that I needed to be in charge of what I ate but have you seen what that man can do in the kitchen?!! If it were up to me, I’d be eating cereal all the time.


With you, you focus on how we are feeling especially at the end of the day. It helps us to reflect on what is going on in our lives and what can we do to change or control something. And you always ask if there something you can do to help if someone is struggling. I also like how the weekly topics were introduced one week at a time. And there were no expectations to do what we talked about or to do it in a certain time frame. We worked on it at our pace.


I also liked how you did the program with us. You lead by example. You are a real person and did not “preach” from behind the keyboard. You showed us that we can eat out. You showed us that we can go in the red. You showed us that we can have beer. And all of this was okay. You kept it real.


I love getting my personalized weekly video. It showed that you paid attention. You talked with us as individuals and not just as a group.


I honestly can’t think of anything with MT that I didn’t like or needs improvement. I feel bad that I didn’t connect with everyone as much as I wanted but that’s on me and not a reflection of the program. I’m not sure how it was on your end trying to connect with such a big group but to me, you did an amazing job.


So again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the tools I need to make the changes I want in my life. I am back in control of my eating habits as you have helped change my relationship with food. More importantly, you’ve brought back the genuine smile to my face.