
Toronto, Canada


Toronto, Canada


Since the birth of my girls I have really struggled with my weight, even more so after my second daughter was born. I would workout and stay focused for months at a time, but then life and stress would happen: Job loss, starting a business, aging parents.  Lots of challenges.


What really hit me was about two years ago I hurt my knee and it was so painful I had to really stop and think about some of the main reasons I wasn’t healing well,  It was the extra weight on my frame. My body wasn’t built for this weight. And on top of my physical health, I didn’t feel good nor confident about myself. I wasn’t the strong person that felt amazing getting dressed or shopping to go out salsa dancing.  I didn't like going out at all and I found myself just hiding.


I spoke to Gil for over a year about doing Mighty Transformation and the time just was never right for me until Fall 2018.  As a mom it’s so hard, but for once in a long time I put some focus on me.  I really put it all out there and tried.  Gil taught me how to live life my way with my family and not restrict and deprive myself. I learned how to live and still lose weight. And the key was the emotional support and not allowing to get down on myself.  My kids and my husband saw my effort and supported me in every way. It has made such a positive impact in my life.


This is just the beginning.  I am now in a good place not only for me but also for my family.  It’s a complete lifestyle change and I know I can keep improving with what I learned. Thank you Gil and the entire Fall ladies team. I couldn’t have done this without you all!
