
Toronto, Canada


Toronto, Canada

The program was amazing!!! I can't say enough good things about it. It gave me guidelines without restrictions. It gave me the tools I needed to take control over my weight again. I freaking lost 18.4 lbs in 3 months! What was more impressive was the inches lost. And I was able to enjoy ice cream everyday and even go on vacation and still succeed!
Numbers aside, I'm feeling like myself again. People are noticing that I look fit and healthy. I was really good at hiding my weight gain with baggy clothes and people aren't necessarily noticing that I've lost weight but a bunch of people have said I look really healthy. That makes me super happy.


I was actually at the doctor’s last week and they made me step on the scale. I hadn’t weighed myself since the last day of our program in September and I was surprised to hear from that I haven’t gained any weight! That was just after my 2 week vacation as well! So I’m still doing well! I have energy, confidence and I can't wait to see how I'm able to implement this new lifestyle down the road.


Thank you Gil for helping me get my confidence back.