
Toronto, Canada


Toronto, Canada


I was referred to Mighty Transformation by a girlfriend of mine. She had tried everything and always reverted back to her old ways. After Gil's program she continued to lose weight and after 2 years lost and kept off 30 pounds!! She also ate and drank anything she wanted when we hung out.


After witnessing this I knew I had to give it a try!! My friend taught me a lot of his principals so I had a very good understanding before starting the program. What I didn't expect was the overwhelming support and positivity that Gil and the group bring to the table. I feel like Gil has never used a negative word in his life. He is always very encouraging, extremely sincere and only really asks that you show up every day.


Since the program I've lost 10 pounds and inches all over. I've been a runner most of my adult life but was never able to get the results that I've wanted. I always thought I needed to be running more. During the program I actually stopped running and lost weight faster than when I was training for last years half marathon. On top of that I never felt hungry. I ate/drank wine, Pho, Ramen, Sushi, Pasta, Pizza whenever I wanted. It's all about balancing and listening to your hunger cues and getting enough protein. He also opened my eyes on how many calories are in all of our favorite dishes. There are so many meals out there designed to make us think they are healthy but really they aren't. I look forward to continuing my journey. I only have 8 pounds left. It's a number I haven't weighed since my early 20s.


Thank you Gil I look forward to continuing this journey in the Alumni group! That's another cool thing about Gil's program. Once the 3 months are done, you are invited into his Alumni group for life. This is at no extra cost and you have a lifetime of support and good friends to count on. Cheers! xoxo