
Toronto, Canada


Toronto, Canada


Joining the Genesis Program with Mighty Transformation was truly the best investment I have made in myself. I was referred to Gil by a friend after I had seen her amazing transformation and progress, that I contacted Gil to see if I could join the program.




For the last couple of years and most particularly last year, I was struggling with my body image and my relationship with food. I thought I was doing the right things like exercising and "eating right", and yet, I wasn't toning or losing weight. Through this program, I have learned so much and realized that it wasn't about doing a ton of exercise and killing myself to "earn calories", or restricting my diet and not able to enjoy what I like, but it was about being aware of what you were eating and how much you were eating, and being consistent.


After having completed the program, I can say that it was the best thing I have done for myself. My mindset has totally changed for the better and I have a positive relationship with food and my body. My main goal was to feel and look good in a healthy way, and Gil was able to help with that.


As a coach, he was very supportive and knowledgeable in nutrition and fitness. If I had questions, he was there to answer. He also created and fostered a positive environment for the group which helped me in the process to be open, absorb his knowledge, and implement them in my own way. I now can have a lifestyle where I can enjoy my exercises without punishing myself, and enjoy my treats without feeling guilty! This is truly an enjoyable and sustainable lifestyle. I highly recommend Gil and the program!

