Mary Ann

Hamilton, New Zealand

Mary Ann

Hamilton, New Zealand

Mary Ann

New Me.. this is 2 months after the program. 20lbs weight loss maintained.

I finally did my Mighty Transformation post. After the program, it was a mix feeling of confidence to continue to lose weight further and testing myself if I can maintain the weight loss. I am happy to report that I am maintaining and heading the right direction of reducing weight further. I am delighted that I have met Coach Gil and all the Ladies.
Before starting the program, I was in my heaviest and was always yoyo dieting. I was fully aware that I need to lose the weight for fear of illness. This was the long term goal for myself and my family. Short term was to alleviate discomfort such having shortness of breath when walking up a small hill at work and feeling ugly for myself.
At the end of the program, I achieved 20lbs weight loss. It was the biggest weight loss in a short 3 months time that I have ever done. I also can walk uphill to work. This is an achievement that I can't do by myself. It is all thanks to Coach Gil and Mighty Transformation. I am feeling good at myself and overall perception. THANK YOU again Coach and thank you to Erica for introducing me to Gil.