
Toronto, Canada


Toronto, Canada

As a mom to 2 pre-teen boys, my focus for the last 12 years has been on them – their wants, needs, health and well being. As each year passed, my weight slowly started to increase and I only recognized this a couple years ago. I started keto, and while it did wonders for me weight-wise, I wasn’t being myself, and I relied heavily on willpower to curb my desire for carbs.
I heard about the MT program through a friend. I honestly didn’t know much about the program at all, but trusted her when she said that I would do well in the program. I DID DO WELL … I lost exactly 15 lbs in 12 weeks, and inches off my body.
Personally, that’s not the most important ‘Transformation’ for me.
The real beauty of Gil’s program is that you’re left with the knowledge and understanding of how to lose weight in your own unique way, with foods you truly enjoy. Each week he introduces a new lesson that you’re required to put into practice. By the end of the 12 weeks, you feel like you’ve been Miyagi’d*, and have been set up for success (*The Karate Kid).
Even though the session has officially ended, my journey to lose weight and inches will continue. I have no doubt in my mind that I’m going to succeed, and I will forever be thankful to Gil and the amazing ladies who joined me on my journey❤️