
Mississauga, Canada


Mississauga, Canada

The pic on the left was taken 1 week before I started the Mighty Transformation program. I lost 17lbs and inches all over.
My Why:
Let me start with saying my family (parents, aunts/uncles ARE ALL SAINTS and the best people I know and i love them fiercely) but I did not grow up in an environment where fitness/activity/health was the top priority. It's important for me, that my kids know I am still able to do anything they need me for AND that I am making an effort now.. while I can they don't have to worry about me in the future.
What was your pain point or struggle that caused you to take action:
Going to the gym consistently and being active had become my lifestyle 4-5 years ago. It' was easy for me to maintain this lifestyle because I loved it.
Nutrition has always been a struggle for me because I LOVE food too. Somewhere along the way I developed bad/toxic behaviour towards food ie indulging too much, lack of moderation and the GUILT that would follow afterwards.
I needed an overhaul on my approach to how I eat and undo some bad habits, but more importantly how i can sustain. After following Gil for so many years, I knew he could find the perfect formula for me and how to eat on MY terms.
In this program you will hear the terms "flexible eating", "no restrictions", "enjoy" ... I was apprehensive at first, waiting for the "catch" or bait and switch, but it never happened. I realized quickly that all that you see on MT's social media pages is ALL TRUE. Gil understands that each person has different needs and will work with you individually to develop an EXECUTABLE and SUSTAINABLE strategy.
How did I accomplish my goal?
By listening, being accountable, and being open to changing my mindset.
What I enjoyed during the program:
I am a data/numbers type of person so I really enjoyed learning about the science of food and how/when to incorporate the macros, where do your calories come from etc.
Most importantly, I loved the judgement free zone. This program is a safe place to ask questions, learn, make mistakes and celebrate your wins.
This program is for:
• anyone who thinks they have tried everything with no results
• Anyone who needs a new and sustainable strategy on how to approach food
• Anyone who wants to lose weight all through nutrition (no gym required)
It is NOT for:
• Anyone looking for a quick fix
• Anyone who is not prepared to be accountable and honest with themselves
• Anyone who is afraid to put in the work
Everything I thought I knew about nutrition went out the window when I joined MT. I needed a plan that was not restrictive and allowed me to enjoy the food that I love (yes that includes McDonald's). When Gil preaches flexible eating, it is NO joke.
Working WITH me - at MY terms, pace and choices - this program taught me how to work with food and not against it.
Despite the amount of clients he is supporting at the time, Gil's attention, response time and patience makes you feel like you are his only client.
Joining MT was the best decision I ever made. I no longer feel guilt when I eat nor do I fear the future ahead of me. Thank you Coach!