
Lyndhurst, USA


Lyndhurst, USA


I was at my heaviest when I saw a friend’s transformation, Erica, and was intrigued on how she was able to do it. She introduced me to MT and to Coach Gil.


At first I was skeptical because at that time I’m not sure if I can commit myself fully into doing it.
Months passed and I still have the same weight, I guess more. Finally decided to make myself a priority and made the investment that I will never regret.

I joined the MT’s Fall Team 2022, and we’re actually on the last week of the program. I am down 15lbs and I never thought I’d lose that much because I never deprived myself, I never ever felt hungry during the program, there were no restrictions or anything (I can actually enjoy indulges every night),

I never intended to workout but I started getting active just by walking and it was alright. I am really amazed with the results, not only physically, but Coach Gil also changed my mindset and how I view food. I am really grateful for having him as my coach. He never judged me for my choices of food, allowed me to experiment so I can find the right fit to my taste and lifestyle so I can make my weight loss journey as easier as possible. I can even eat the same Filipino food that my family’s having.

Thank you Coach Gil for being so supportive, for being so positive and patient and for teaching me the tools that I can use for a lifetime and set me up for success! Cheers to MT, highly recommended!