
Burlington, Canada


Burlington, Canada


What can I say. This is the most weight I’ve ever lost in my entire life, and that’s no exaggeration. Just want to say how grateful I am to Gil for being the calming presence that was required throughout the whole process. Never judging, never scolding, never panicking. Instead, virtually holding my hand along the entire process. There were days, especially towards the end, where I felt like quitting due to a slowing of results. But Gil’s encouragement and scientific explanations kept me plugging away.


What I’m truly grateful for is the knowledge I’m now armed with. Before this program, I honestly believed that some foods should be labelled “bad” and avoided at all costs. So when I’d eventually succumb to temptation and eat these “bad” foods, I would hate myself afterwards. Gil taught me that there are no such things as “bad” foods….only bad portions. As long as you’re accountable, and plan ahead, you can eat anything you want.


Although the program is officially over, I don’t feel like this is the end of the road. Quite the opposite, really. With my newly acquired knowledge, I’m now armed with enough information to continue this journey. My initial starting weight was 165lbs and goal weight was 145lbs.  Although I didn't hit my goal weight after 12 weeks I was armed with the tools and knowledge and I eventually got there not long after!


But really I don’t necessarily need a numeric weight goal. Instead, the true goal is to continue to learn and feel proud of my accomplishments.  I look forward to providing an update in 365 days to really show what I have learned.


Thanks Gil. This was a life-altering experience.