
Toronto, Canada


Toronto, Canada

When was the last time you did something for yourself?
When the pandemic started in March, I was thinking oh no, but felt fortunate to have a home and food and loved ones surrounding me. I used food as a salve for my frazzled nerves and mood swings. Yes, I am an emotional eater...or shall I say, I WAS an emotional eater. I also justified what I ate and how much I ate because I didn't drink or smoke!


Eating was definitely OK. Weird thing is, I always had an awareness that I was eating too much...but didn't know how to modify it. I just thought I needed to exercise more!
Sometimes in order to be your best you reach your worst first. That happened to me in September. I was intensely dissatisfied with how I felt about myself and my non-stop nighttime snacking. I know, I know, the weight gain started well before the pandemic.
Enter Mighty Transformation and Gil Mesina and his 12 week program. I contacted Gil for an evaluation and joined the next day and started the best weight loss journey of my life 11 days later. I was ready, I wanted to change my relationship with food, I wanted to understand my nutrition and I wanted to lose weight (so I could hang around a long time for my family). Plus, I needed this to be sustainable (I knew it could be because my colleagues Lynn and Irena finished the program and had maintained their results 12 and 24 months after finishing the program.


What transpired was incredible! I became accountable for what I was eating, I learned and used tools to evaluate what I ate, I learned about dispelling weight loss myths, I learned how to nourish myself with whole foods that were nutrient dense but low in calories (Hello Veggies!).
I also practiced patience, consistency and mindfulness. There were no restrictions whatsoever. I indulged in chips, burgers, fries, baked goods, noodles etc. I had power over what I ate and I knew I could eat what I wanted because I had the tools to make it work.
Also, I didn't need to rely on exercise to lose weight. In the past I would spin, do weights, pilates, yoga, cardio and TRX - for the fun but mainly to bank the workout for the food I would eat afterwards.
With Mighty Transformation I was 100% workout free and I learned that exercise was for health, fitness and fun, but not for weight loss. I found the Mighty Transformation process to be enjoyable and repeatable.
My husband, Tom, and our kids also got in on all the eating fun! I did all of this while remaining true to me, with 100% plant based foods. This was all done online with other like minded women and we supported one another and celebrated our achievements together.🥳
Our coach Gil, is so incredible, he set up a safe environment where we could open up and confront our challenges together. He is meticulous and he is there to support you every single day. He presents information in a logical, easy to understand way and allows time for us to put it into practice. His program sets you up for success even after the program. I am forever thankful to have had Gil as a coach!🙏
Having control over what I eat is so rewarding and freeing. I'm not afraid of the foods I eat because I am making conscious choices. Eating fearlessly is so incredible and I feel amazing!!!
My results are a loss of 25lbs.  I have repaired my relationship with food and I understand great things can happen with a positive attitude, showing up everyday and being consistent.
If anyone wants to talk to me about this, please contact me, I'm happy to share my experience with you.